Adrian Paul, Thekla Reuten, Cristian Solimeno, Peter Wingfield, Jim Byrnes, Stephen Rahman Hughes, Stephen Wight, Thom Fell, Patrice Naiambana, Sakalas Uždavinys, Geoffrey T. Bersey, Rolandas Boravskis, Saulius Siparis, Buckley Norris, Solly Assa
The world is falling into chaos. As he roams a crumbling city, Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander, remembers happier times before the love of his life left... Hopeless and alone, MacLeod finds his way to a band of immortal companions, including his mysterious friend Methos, and a mortal, Watcher Joe Dawson. Together this small group sets out on a quest to find the origin of the first Immortal.
**A movie that really isn't worth our time.** After a good first movie, a series of sequels that alternated between the horrible and the tolerable, and even a TV series (which I've never seen, but I don't feel like watching either), the Highlander franchise brings us the latter. film, which tries to be the sequel to its predecessor. What we have here is, essentially, a TV movie made with a v...