

A trip back in time from the present to...

7.0 / 10

92 minutes




Actors :

Karra Elejalde, Candela Fernández, Bárbara Goenaga, Nacho Vigalondo, Juan Inciarte, Libby Brien, Nicole Dionne, Philip Hersh


A man accidentally gets into a time machine and travels back in time nearly an hour. Finding himself will be the first of a series of disasters of unforeseeable consequences.


Repo Jack

Repo Jack

6/23/2021, 3:58:47 PM

Oh my God the time traveler in this movie is an idiot! Do as the time machine guys says and DON'T GO ANYWHERE FOR ONE HOUR. But nope, he's gotta go meddle with the timeline and create multiple versions of himself and events. I'm a sucker for time travel flicks, and for a very low budget Spanish import, it was fairly entertaining, but check out the much better "Predestination" instead if you ha...



6/23/2021, 3:58:52 PM

Timecrimes (2007), titled initially Los cronocrímenes, is one of the best time-travel movies available. Written and directed by Nacho Vigalondo, it was made in Spain and performed in Spanish. Reading English subtitles will not distract, however, as much of the movie is visual, and the pacing is not slow but methodical. The story revolves around Hector and starts at his house, which he recently...

Peter McGinn

Peter McGinn

8/5/2021, 8:40:08 PM

Before I say a word about the movie itself, let me advise you that if you haven’t already seen the preview for this movie, do yourself a favor and Don’t Watch It! Never have I known a preview to give so much away, and it it is particularly heinous in this case as it is a time travel movie, with plot shifts that should be experienced in real time, so to speak. I would have been some old mad if I ha...