
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre

If looks could kill, he wouldn't need a chainsaw.

4.6 / 10

87 minutes




Actors :

Renée Zellweger, Matthew McConaughey, Robert Jacks, Tonie Perensky, Joe Stevens, Lisa Marie Newmyer, John Harrison, Tyler Shea Cone, James Gale, Chris Kilgore, Vince Brock, Susan Loughran, David Laurence, Grayson Victor Schirmacher, Jeanette Wiggins


After a group of Texas teenagers leave prom night early and get into a car crash in the woods, they employ the aid of a nearby insurance agent, who calls in her tow truck-driving boyfriend, Vilmer Slaughter. Unfortunately for them, Vilmer is a sadistic killer with a mechanical leg who introduces them to his brother, Leatherface, and the rest of their twisted family.