

The closest you'll ever want to come to nuclear war.

7.7 / 10

117 minutes




Actors :

Karen Meagher, Reece Dinsdale, David Brierly, Rita May, Nicholas Lane, Jane Hazlegrove, Henry Moxon, June Broughton, Sylvia Stoker, Harry Beety, Ruth Holden, Ashley Barker, Michael O'Hagan, Phil Rose, Steve Halliwell


Documentary style account of a nuclear holocaust and its effect on the working class city of Sheffield, England; and the eventual long run effects of nuclear war on civilization.




6/23/2021, 3:57:54 PM

This film was, for many, a turning-point regarding nuclear weapons, the cold war and nuclear-politics. Set in a 1984 UK industrial-suburbia, as the cold war gets hot, we follow regular people in their daily lives and how they prepare for the coming apocalypse. Barry Hines and Mick Jackson explains and shows us how the world is interconnected and woven together, each strand in this web is dep...

Rodney Wollam

Rodney Wollam

6/23/2021, 3:58:06 PM

Once again, I struggled to understand the British English. At least this time, I didn't really need to. Not a word needed to be spoken to convey the very real horror we might all be subjected to. Now, closer to that armageddon than ever before in our history. I just hope I die in the initial blast. The after is actually worse than the blast itself. God help us all.