
King of the Underworld

Don't kill this killer! Bring him back alive!

6.4 / 10

67 minutes




Actors :

Humphrey Bogart, Kay Francis, James Stephenson, John Eldredge, Jessie Busley, Arthur Aylesworth, Raymond Brown, Harland Tucker, Ralph Remley, Charley Foy, Murray Alper, Joe Devlin, Elliott Sullivan, Alan Davis, John Harmon


Physician Carole Nelson, suspected of having ties to notorious gangster Joe Gurney, must prove her innocence or the Medical Board will revoke her license. When Gurney seeks her out for treatment after being shot, it could be the break Nelson needs. Now she has a chance to use her medical know-how to outwit Gurney and his goons and reestablish her professional reputation.




6/22/2022, 2:47:52 PM

When one of his boys is saved by a young doctor, gangster "Joe" (Humphrey Bogart) pays the man a visit and thanks him with $500 and a promise (threat?) of future work. It's at one such consultation that the police swoop, the young man is killed in the melee and his now widow, fellow doctor, "Carole" (Kay Francis) is suspected of complicity. Though acquitted in court, she is given three months to p...