
Spider Baby

Come into my parlor, said the spider to the...

6.9 / 10

81 minutes




Actors :

Lon Chaney Jr., Carol Ohmart, Quinn K. Redeker, Beverly Washburn, Jill Banner, Sid Haig, Mary Mitchel, Karl Schanzer, Mantan Moreland, Joan Keller Stern


In a dilapidated rural mansion, the last generation of the degenerate, inbred Merrye family lives with the inherited curse of a disease that causes them to mentally regress from the age of 10 or so on as they physically develop. The family chauffeur looks out for them and covers up their indiscretions. Trouble comes when greedy distant relatives and their lawyer arrive to dispossess the family of its home.




6/23/2021, 3:58:01 PM

A fun romp. This movie feels like it is wedged between old school horror, and more recent exploitation films. Stylistically, it feels 50s, yet subject matter is more 70s exploitation. I liked it, but I will watch a lot of garbage. Give it a try. Young Sid Haig as a bonus.



9/5/2024, 6:52:55 AM

Picture a ramshackle house (like the one the "Waltons" lived in) and then imagine it populated by two sisters and a brother who progress ok until their early teens, then they start to regress - with varying degrees of maniacal behaviour. Is this dangerous? Well we need only ask poor old Mantan Moreland who never faced such dangers with "Charlie Chan" as he does in the opening scenes trying to deli...