Stephen Lang, Ryan Slater, Ding Yi, Brian Wagner, Isabella Hofmann, Lang Ping, Wang Fei, Zhou Jian Zhong, Yao Er Ga, O Mi Jia Can, Cheu Gang, He Yu, Yeh Hui, Shou Wei, Joanne Dorian
Far from home in the lush bamboo forests of China, ten-year-old Ryan Tyler, with the help of a young girl, goes on a wonderful journey to rescue a baby panda taken by poachers.
**The Not So Amazing Panda Adventure (1995).** I usually do enjoy these sort of cheesy animal and human buddy flicks of the 90's and 80's but this was mediocre at best. The kid is a bit annoying and at least 35-40% of the shots of a panda is not a panda but superobvious that it's a fuzzy animatronics robot instead. Which is understandable, it's hard to make a Panda act I imagine but it does ...